Aromatherapy Associates

Aromatherapy Associates has been sharing the benefits of essential oils for over 30 years. Founded by Geraldine Howard and Sue Beechey, who started the brand based on a belief that an aromatherapy experience nurtures both the body and the spirit. 

Their award-winning blends have gaine...Read More


Aromatherapy Associates Best Sellers

Aromatherapy Associates Body Brush Aromatherapy Associates Body Brush

Aromatherapy Associates

Aromatherapy Associates Body Brush

Body brushing is a fantastic way to get your skin looking bright, fresh and even. This brush stimulates circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage to effectively improve skin tone and texture by removing toxins.   Made with natural cactus sisal...

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  • Aromatherapy Associates Body Brush Aromatherapy Associates Body Brush

    Aromatherapy Associates

    Aromatherapy Associates Body Brush

    Body brushing is a fantastic way to get your skin looking bright, fresh and even. This brush stimulates circulation and encourages lymphatic drainage to effectively improve skin tone and texture by removing toxins.   Made with natural cactus sisal...